Sunday, March 21, 2010

The end?

I'm considering to stop blogging.
I no longer find the words.
Or the feeling.

Giving up, or giving in.
If you disappear from the Internet, you disappear in general?
You die?

I also think I should get back together with Benj.
Say sorry and just... be his.
Maby it's not so bad to have somebody deciding everything for you?
I no longer have the strength to create my own reality.
He might as well do it for me.
If he want's me, I'm his.

If this is the last you hear from me, I want to say thank you.
You have enriched my life. You have moved me. Made my life a little better.
Thank you.

Thank you.


  1. If it is the last we hear from you, you will be sorely missed.


  2. You will be dearly missed. Though I'm certain I'll hear of you through others ;)

  3. If you really feel this way, then thank you for being a wonderful blogger. I'll miss your posts.
    Have a lovely time. :)

  4. NO! I love your writing! So, so sad.

    xo, Sophia

  5. Hello,

    I've only just found your blog. Today, actually. I saw this post, and then proceeded to begin reading some of your old posts, in order, from October.

    What you write, and your images, it's a kind of beautiful. Well done.

    Have you ever seen A Softer World?
    Your blog reminds me of this site.

    Shame you're quitting, but I'm looking forward to finishing reading your blog

  6. Don't stop! You are a wonderful writer and photographer!!!
    And, please, don't go back to a man (a child really, because a man who doesn't respect women IS a child) that you know is no good for you...
    But if you decide to go, best of luck to you!! And, it's been a pleasure reading you! =)

  7. Neeej! Sluta inte blogga Signe!

  8. I seriously hope you don't stop writing, I like your blog, don't know how you found mine cause it's not very good, I was about to answer to that comment for a while and now I get here and you say you're gone?don't!
    if you leave the internet you don't die but a piece of you will, trust me!:)

  9. please don't go. in a strange way you keep me going. i know i don't comment a lot but your words have magic for me. i went to your cafe this weekend but you weren't working, it was all guys working, and i was really sad. i wanted to see you. because you're so important to me. so if you have to stop blogging i will still try to come and find you, if that's ok. you and kim. i don't know what i would do without you.

    also i am not going to tell you what to do about benjamin but as easy as it is, it's never good to have someone make all your decisions for you. i had a four and a half year relationship like that and came out more than a little scarred. a ghost of myself. i don't want that for you, love.

    xx x

  10. you will keep writing. you have to.

    words will come. don't stress over that.

    go see a doctor. I think you need something to help you out of your funk. As for having a man decide everything for you--a very slippery slope young lady. Don't be with someone just because they happen to be around. So not worth it--you deserve so much more than that.

    Hang in there and know the blogosphere will be thinking of you no matter what you decide to do.

  12. If you really need to leave please take a break! but come back plzz! dont stop blogging! we need you!

    And about Benjamin,,, I dont know what to say..It´s up to you..

    Thank you

  13. i gave you a sunshine award.

    please come back :(

  14. I hope you come back.
    This is one of the best blogs I've read in a long long time.

    Broken English is somehow beautiful.

  15. You are such a drama queen and so is Benjamin. You deserve each other honestly. But don't stop blogging because I find all of your self-indulgent angst quite entertaining.

  16. Good Luck, Come Back

  17. i know that this blog is probably over. still, i keep checking from time to time. i find it very sad that i won't be able to read your words anymore.

  18. I miss reading your posts.


  19. peace and love in all of your life travels

    y'know, i was thinking of committing blog suicide as well...;)


  20. I like you, even though you're swedish (i'm norwegian, I should hate you - it's an must). I've read your whole blog. Please start to blog again.

    I hope you get through it all. Stay strong - and remember to eat. "Uten mat og drikke, duger helten ikke!"


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