I often feel like I'm the only, really honest person there is.
Even if I lie about almost everything.
I lie to people all the time, but then again I tell them that I do. I've told people
never to trust me. Many times.
But the thing is. I try very hard to be true to myself nowadays.
Including really letting myself be ugly.
You know what I hate?
People who says "Oh, you
hate him do you? Noo you don't,
hate is such a strong word."
(Yes. I know it is. I do hate him. And now I hate you to. I
hate you to.)
People who cries to stupid tv programs about cancerkids or animals who gets tortured AND THEN TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT. "I was extremly moved, I cried for several hours afterwards. Felt sooo sorry for the kids/animals, I wish I could DO SOMETHING" (Oh no you don't. Your glad its them and not you.)
really cares about anyone else. Not really.